5 Tips on Managing a Junk Drawer

That's right ladies, even a junk drawer needs managing. We all have that special little drawer in our home in which we store, well, basically, anything, but don't get too excited. Even this little drawer needs organization and maintenance, like any other area. Once you have identified that special little drawer, follow these tips, and this drawer will become your very handy-can't live without-drawer.

1. First of all, make sure that the items you find in this drawer are not things that belong someplace else, but somehow found their way there. A very good example, is your kids little toy car, how did it even get there?  The items that are stored in this drawer should be handy, quick use things, example: batteries, pens, post its, scissors, matches, loose change, tape, calculator, sharpie marker, etc.

2. Most of the things found in this drawer should be things most of the members of the family can and will use, and most importantly use often. It should not be a personal drawer for a member of your family (they have their own room), instead it should be items everyone has use for. 

3. Make sure the items are separated in some way, like bins, trays, separators, etc and label the sections.  By doing so it is easier for everyone to find things and most importantly put things back where they belong. Also, when something is missing, you will notice it quickly and begin the scavenger hunt for the missing item!

4. Don't get overly excited with the junk drawer. One or two drawers at most, is more than enough. If you have several junk drawers around your house, those are not junk drawers, that's clutter, get rid of it! These items should be concentrated in one place, and one place only. 

5. As in every area of your house, this drawer needs maintenance and organization. Remember to teach the members of your home, what goes into the drawer,  and what goes where, so they can become a part of your system. Believe me, they will not guess your system unless you take the time and explain it to them. Remember to peek in the drawer at least once a week, to make sure it hasn't accumulated "junk" or if it's missing something, the sooner you catch it, the easier it is to have an organized home.

And there it is! I know you are very excited to get to that special junk drawer, so get to it!


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