5 Tips on How to Declutter

Decluttering is an essential part of organizing, whether it be your home, office, business, etc. When we least expect it we have accumulated too many things with no use and place things where they don't belong. When you see an area that needs decluttering, you might feel overwhelmed or anxious in the beginning because you get the sense you just might never ever end. But I have good news for you…decluttering can be easy, fast, and gives an all around sense of joy when your done. I've set up 5 easy tips to help you get started and which you should always keep in mind.

1. If you haven't used it in a year, you don't need it anymore because most likely you are not going to use it ever. This rule applies to clothes, accessories, cleaning material, kids toys, basically anything.

2. Declutter/discard often, as often as once a week if necessary. By doing so, you will not let things accumulate and it is also easier to notice when you are not using things. This means not letting your drawers get disorganized, your pantry not filling up with expired items, toys beginning to loose parts, etc. If you are able to do this weekly, it should not take you more than 15 to 20 minutes to do your home.

3. Whenever you have 2 of something, let one go! Having 2 of one thing means you have one too many. Stocking up on cleaning products or food means that you just take up storage space and the chances of you remembering you have it is very slim. Don't bulk up on storage, it doesn't save you time in the long run, or money.

4. When you say, someday I will need it, most of the time means that day will never come. Having things for that special someday only makes you clutter up and loose valuable closet/storage space, so do your self a favor and set them free. When you keep clothes because someday you'll fit into them is a little bit of a lie, because most probably if you have lost weight you want to treat yourself with NEW clothes, correct, shopping spree!!

5. Hanging onto things because you feel bad about tossing them is another reason for cluttering. Relax, its ok, toss it out! You don't have to like every single thing that you have ever been given to you. It's probably worse if you keep it stashed someplace instead of making someone else happy, by giving it away. So, again, let it go, make someone else happy!

Decluttering/discarding can be so freeing! You feel weight taken off of you, and at the same time having a clutter free home gives you a clutter free mind and with it, comes a sense of calmness. Remember, clutter is just delayed decisions. So…what are you waiting for…start today!


5 Tips on Managing a Junk Drawer


If you haven't organized, Now is when to start!