Quick decluttering in 10 minutes! Grab a garbage bag!
I know its overwhelming when you hear the world decluttering, but there is no need to get anxious. Here are a few tips to get you stared, and if you have already decluttered, this well help you maintain your new organized system. Grab a bag and lets go! Take a look!
1. Throw out socks without a match
2. No need to keep food storage containers with no lids
3. Toss or donate those DVDs you never watch, can’t even remember how they got there in the first place
4. Toss out dried out markers and pens, no use for those anymore.
5. Stop staring at those t shirts that are too big or too small or worn out, chances are you won’t even use them as pajama shirts, believe me.
6. Those kétchup and soy sauce packets have begun to accumulate, so toss them out, you won’t need them, and while you are at it, throw out expired food in your pantry.
7. Odds and ends your kids received from a birthday party goodie bag, and are probably just lying in a corner or in the far end of a drawer, because nobody remembers its existence 1 week later.
Remember to throw out all receipts after 2 months of purchase. No use for them anymore!
8. Throw away receipts or mail that has no use and is still lying around the house
9. Scan around your bathroom and you probably have empty bathroom products or ones with no use (meaning, you don’t even know what they are for)..toss them in the bag!
10.. File any paper or documents that need filing, but you probably stashed them in a drawer for the “mean time”…now is when to file it.