Biggest mistakes you make when organizing your spaces! Watch out!

There are a few common mistakes we make when trying to organize our home or other spaces. Here are a few things you should keep in mind if you are going to start to organize, and if you already have, refreshen yourself and your areas with these pointers.. 


1.You corral clutter into neat piles. When it comes to organizing, a common mistake is to organize your clutter. You make different kinds of piles and arrange them in a cuteand stylish way and make it seem likes its organized. Well its not! Organizing clutter is a big NO NO. You need to get rid of that clutter, discard what has no use, get rid of those papers lying around the house and only organize what you truly use.

2.You hold onto grocery bags for later. I am not a big fan of plastic grocery bags, but if you are going to use them, nothing better than recycling, but there is no need to keep those thousands and thousands of bags. Keep a few of them, that will be more than enough. 


3.You use way too many boxes. Once you have decided to organize, most of us go on a box shopping spree. Big mistake! Before you go out and by boxes and boxes for storage, first you need to declutter, and discard, and then once you have what you are going to store, decide how you want to do it. Not everything has to go in boxes, because a most common mistake is you have so many boxes you don’t even know what’s in them. Labeling will help, but you still don’t want an overload of storage boxes.

4. You stash stuff out of sight. If you make clutter disappear by stashing them someplace were you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean you organized. Clean spaces doesn’t mean you’ve got an organized space, it might just mean you found a hidden space to place all those things that really don’t have a designated space. Instead of stashing consider discarding and placing all items in where they actually belong and where you can go to them everytime you need them. So, placing them under the bed so they won’t be in plain sight does not count as organizing. Bummer!

5. You follow the trends (even when thy don't work for you). What works for you husband, roommate, friend, etc, might not necessarily work for you. Everyone has their own organizing systems to meet their needs, find yours! You might need to try a few to finally find what suits you the best.

6.You forget to purge after you move. Big mistake! Do the discarding BEFORE you move. I did this big mistake. I moved cross country and loaded a truck with furniture and stuff and didn’t even like. So once I arrived to my new home I had a bunch a stuff I didn’t know what to do with. Avoid this by discarding before you move, this saves you time, money, and hassle, believe me.

7.You view organizing as a one-time event. Organizing is more of a lifestyle, which needs maintenance. After a lot of practice, it even comes naturally, but it is very important to give it its’ maintenance and also teach others who live with you your system. By doing so, organizing will not seem like a job, and it’s easier to keep clean, tidy spaces.





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Quick decluttering in 10 minutes! Grab a garbage bag!