Never to late to Start Spring cleaning! Here's how

If you haven't started with spring cleaning, now is the time to do it. When I say spring cleaning, this doesn't mean you declutter your whole house, that's another topic. What I mean is you discard whatever you or your family did not use during the winter, or it doesn't fit your children anymore (the growth spurt never stops). I do not call it declutter, because you only do that once, or else you feel you are always decluttering and you feel like you never finish. Your start to feelyour days are based on organizing and decluttering if you do it regularly. The ideal is to declutter and organize once. Boom! You're done. From then on it's just maintenance, maintenance, maintenance. Soooo….spring cleaning is just discarding, starting fresh the new season. A good idea, is to get your kids involved. Start teaching them to let go of possessions, to give to others, and to be responsible for their own living space. So, what are you waiting for!


If you haven't organized, Now is when to start!