Here is the Key...S P A C E

If you really want to get organized and stay that way, here is the key: first you need to identify what are the most troubled areas of your home, and make a plan. An organized plan for your home is essential for a clutter free success. In order to make your plan, you need to set goals first. What you want to do is a road map for every room/area of your home. This means finding what is not working and make a list, then make a 15 minute organizing to do list, and finally, break down this list into a schedule. All you need is 15 minutes a day.  Sometimes decluttering and organizing can be overwhelming, so instead of doing the kitchen all at once, start by doing one cupboard a day and you´ll feel motivated and anxious do to more. Of course, if you can do more than one per day, that´s also great!


S ort

P urge

A ssign

C ontain

E  valuate


When you are trying to organize, keep this in mind, S P A C E. It´s quite simple really: sort, purge, assign, contain, and evaluate. Start your process by sorting. By this, I mean, sort out everything into different categories or piles. Sort out your items so you can decide if they belong where you found them, or they might be better in another area of your home. After this, you purge. Toss out, donate, throw away anything that has already served it´s purpose, you no longer need nor want. This is sometimes very difficult for some, but ask yourself, ¨Do I really need or want this? ¨ You´ll be surprised that most of the time your answer will be, no. Every time you toss something out you will feel a great relief. Trust me! Very rarely, but I mean VERY rarely you regret tossing something out.  Once you´ve done this, you assign a space for everything. Remember, everything in its place and a place for everything. We are almost done. The next step is to contain. Most people find this as the best part! Go ahead and buy yourself bins, baskets, containers, boxes, whatever works best for you! You don´t need to spend a lot, just buy whatever helps you be more organized and contain all of your items. Last, but not least, evaluate. Step back and enjoy. Evaluate if how you organized is what works best for you, or you might have to switch things around. Don´t worry, nothing is permanent. If you feel you need to move something, go ahead! Make sure your system is functional and works for you. Don´t try to copy a cute image of a pantry, it might not be what works best for you.


There you have it! No excuses! Start with a small area of your home, it can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day. When you least expect it, you´ll have a clutter free, organized and functional home! If you have any questions, email me! I´ll be happy to get make to you! Make sure and send me your before and after pics! I always enjoy seeing those organized spaces!


Happy Organizing




Christmas Decorations


Challenge Accepted- Master Bedroom