New Book to Read!

Hey there! My 1 year old has been feeling under the weather lately, so I decided to go pay the doctor a visit. All went well, seems likes he's just having a common cold with the weather being so weird lately. After a long chat, he recommended the book, New Toddler Training, by Christopher Green, so I decided to give it a look. Be sure to peek in soon, to find out if it's worthwhile reading. Some of the books I've already read about the challenging moments with toddlers are:

Bringing up Bebe, Pamela Drukerman

1,2,3 Magic, Thomas W. Phelan Ph.D.

El Cerebro de Tu Bebe, John J. Medina

The Happiest Baby on the Block, Harvey Karp M.D.

All of them highly recommended, just depends on what your looking for. These book talk about bed time, tantrums, sibling rivalry, eating habits, manners, attachment issues,discipline, and anything you can imagine that happens with babies and toddlers. So at nights, when all is calm and quiet (hopefully), if you are looking for a little bit of guidance, scan through a book, you'll probably find something that helps you bring sanity into your home. I know I did. 


Halloween Treats!


Use Marie Kondos Organizational Method with your kids room