I Phone basket...Really?


Yep. This is what it has come down to, an iPhone basket. What in the world is this for? You might be asking yourself. Allow me to explain. We are living in a very fast pace world. All of us probably own some kind of smart phone, because we need to be connected with the world. We don't use it to call people, we use it to literally connect with the world. It can be through WhatsApp, an email, a text, social media, etc. We use it to run a business, to do exercise, to mediate, to shop, I mean we basically use it for our day to day activities. I mean, how could we live without one? 

Our smartphones makes us much more effective because we do things on the spot, it makes having things done faster and makes our time more efficient. But there is also another side to this fabulous technology. Our smartphones take time away from our family and close ones, because we are so consumed in getting things done and constantly checking our phones for messages, emails, etc. Social media also has a negative impact on the lives of many, because some times peoples´ profiles portray life as ¨perfect.¨ When in fact we know we are all flawed and our lives are sometimes faced with not so pleasant circumstances, but you don't see this on social media. So it makes you question your life negatively, because it doesn´t seem as perfect as the ones you see on instagram. 

So, why am I rambling about the smartphones? Simple, I realized that it was taking time away from our kids. There are times when you do need to use them, and there are times when you need to put it aside to have lunch or dinner with your family, or have a cup of coffee or wine with a friend, without interrupting the conversation because you need to check your phone. So I set aside a basket and labeled it with I phone, yep, you heard right. Whenever its time to have lunch with the family, we place our phones in the basket, so you don't have the temptation to be checking your phone. During the afternoon, if I am going to play with the kids, I set aside a time, and place my phone in the basket. I need to be consistent. How do I teach my kids about not being distracted and concentrate in what they are doing, if I don't set the example. Kids learn from example, not by lecturing. If they are talking to me and I am looking down at my phone, chances are that if I talk to them they will probably want to do something else at the same time.

What have I learned? Not having my phone, makes me anxious, but I am getting better at it. I thought I was not one of those. You know the ones that are constantly using their phones. But, I was wrong. I noticed that when I was with the kids I did not give them the attention they were asking for. I am not telling you I do this the whole day, that would be unrealistic, and the kids need to learn that not all of My time is Their time. You just need to set certain times. When I put it in the basket I feel more capable of giving my undivided attention, of really being where I am, enjoying the company. I have learned I listen better, and enjoy more and that we really are very dependent on our smartphones. This may not work for everyone, but I challenge you to try it. Give it a week. We have really liked doing this, because we really soak in our time together as a family and whenever I have friends over.

So here it is, my whole explanation on the iPhone basket. Challenge yourself! You'll be surprised. 


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